Energetics of Lyme

Hi. I have Lyme. We have been in a relationship for at least seven years.

If the only way through is through -- the question I am asking is, ‘how can I relate to my experience in a new way and learn to coexist with my buddy Lyme through the wisdom of nature?’  This is what we are doing here.

Through practices and conversation with our Elemental Elders, we are remembering the intelligence of the natural world.  When we see ourselves as part of nature we become a conduit for reconnection and wisdom that is held beneath the surface, in service to healing.

The Energetics of Lyme is a four week program where we are working with our experience of Lyme rather than against it. To work with it allows us to be present to what's arising, which is the antidote to figuring it out or fixing it.  When we work with it we discover we can create from it and for it. The invitation is to see through a different lens, relate to your experience with Lyme in a new way, and create from there… . Let's see where we go.

This will be a group process of contemplation, conversation, inquiry and healing.  The way to move through this is to be steeped in curiosity and a beginner's mind.  

You will be supported with:

Four 90 min weekly live group Zoom calls facilitated by Dani

A midweek Audio teaching sent via email

Led Meditations

Led Creative expression

A group container 

Action oriented practices that connect you with your inherent nature. 

Each week we will explore a different theme:

Week 1 Freedom

Explore the theme of what it means to feel free - not the definition but looking through a lens that includes practice and choice  in order to drop into what freedom feels like. This program is a way to place ourselves within the experience that is happening now - not what we wish it would be -- and feel home here, in our body. 

Week 2 Beauty

What does it mean for your eyes to be the one experiencing beauty?  Explore what it would be like to see through the lens of beauty, seeing and creating beauty in everything

Week 3 Awe

Invest in awe through the lens of spaciousness by finding something to connect to that is bigger than ourselves.  

Week 4 Flow

Life itself is always moving. Connect with the flow within, be guided by your inner knowing and watch what occurs.