Collective Wisdom Circles

Collective Wisdom Circles are an opportunity to arrive as you are, be present with what is, and use whatever circumstance you are moving through and create from it. Align your inner knowing with the wisdom of nature as we come together for collective healing.


What to expect:

Virtual  1 hr  session

A group of curious humans

Meditation with the Elementals





What to bring:   A journal, a glass of water and a soft heart


Join our in person Collective Wisdom Circle on Tuesday May 14th 6:30-9:30 pm EST 

 sign up here  

"Working with the Elementals  found me at the perfect time.  This is a period in our lives where we tend to lose ourselves and lose the steadiness we could once grasp. Often, we don’t know where to begin or how to find our way back to our truest self, and that feels overwhelming, frightening, and sometimes lonely. But what this special experience allowed me to see was that there was nothing to fix or figure out, instead there was a beautiful spaciousness and inner-knowing that was just waiting to be met. Connecting with each of the elementals forged this sense of spaciousness and limitless freedom towards connecting back with myself, my thoughts, and my body, and in a way that I never could’ve imagined could feel so easeful, effortless, and nourishing. It was an experience that stays with me every day since, and one that I wish for more to be able to experience. " - Mimi, 23

"I was fortunate enough that Working with the Elementals was offered at a time in my life when unbeknownst to me, my spiritual self was in deep need of this.  2020 was my introduction, and in 2021 I signed up for the next 2 series.  Each session allowed me to connect not only to the elementals but also my relationship with them.  Led by Dani, I was also able to learn from the richness and wisdom of the group and Dani's wisdom and gentle spirit.  Dani has a unique way of not only sharing the wisdom but allowing the participants to connect with not only the elementals but our own hearts.  This came to me at a time when I felt so disconnected, and  it was great to be led back to the wisdom of the earth and my own inner knowledge. Each session was built on the previous and peeled off layers as one would an onion. I walk in the world now with more peace in my heart. I look forward to taking a deeper dive in future sessions and to continue to hear and appreciate the wisdom of what mother earth and the stars have to share." - Michelle